Apply Now: Islamic Scholarship Fund 2022-2023

Islamic Scholarship Fund

Due to financial constraints, Muslims no longer have to let go of their dreams to achieve good education at their dream universities or colleges, as many scholarships are available for Muslims. Different Muslim foundations throughout the world sponsor these Islam scholarships for Muslims.

Islamic scholarship fund usually provide grants for financing higher education, and most provide scholarships in fields that further their mission. They provide scholarships to students of any institution in a particular country or their partner universities.

Some Islamic Centres in universities also provide scholarships. This article will list the top 10 scholarships in the Islamic scholarship fund.

About ISF

ISF was founded in 1979 to provide custom software solutions for commercial interests in Jacksonville, Florida. We developed an expertise in healthcare and logistics software systems during our early years.

As ISF grew and our customer base expanded, we opened offices in Tallahassee, Florida, and Austin, Texas, to better serve state government agencies by applying our commercial expertise to the public sector.

They empower Muslim students to pursue degrees and careers in media and policy-related fields; ISF has continued to develop an impressive alumni base who work as journalists, policy analysts, filmmakers, and advocates and are committed to changing perceptions of Islam and Muslims.

Thus, we believe that through their programs, we provide monetary support in addition to moral support and can increase the number of Muslim students who can go on to push back against problematic narratives and policies to help create a more inclusive the United States.

Mission of Islamic Scholarship Fund

The Islamic Scholarship Fund (ISF) increases American Muslim representation in film, media, and government and impacts public policy and opinion through undergraduate, post-graduate, and law scholarships, film grants, and our prestigious Congressional Fellowship and Internship programs.

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We envision a society where religion, culture, and race are not barriers to equity and equality, where all people are treated with dignity and respect and the voice of every citizen plays an integral role in creating inclusive communities that encourage participation by all.

Islamic Scholarship Fund Strategies

This scholarship for development uses multiple strategies to fulfill its mission. The first includes scholarships to Muslim students pursuing journalism, law, public policy, and related degrees.

We also provide film grants to aspiring filmmakers who are producing films that deal with the nuance and complexity of Muslim and Muslim American life, as well as those which serve as counter-narratives of the dominant narrative that demonizes Islam and Muslims.

Furthermore, our internships and fellowship provide experiential support and facilitate future employment in critical public policy and media positions.

Additionally, we connect our alums base of hundreds of students for networking and mentoring opportunities.

ISF Scholarship Program

Islamic Scholarship Fund

Since 2009 ISF has funded American Muslim scholars studying and working in fields with the greatest impact on public opinion and policy. Our goal: is to improve negative portrayals of Muslims in the news, increase the number of Muslim policymakers, and invest in creating positive and engaging stories about American Muslims. Scholarships range from $3,000-$ 10,000.


  • A U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident.
  • Muslim or active member of the Muslim community
  • Enrolled at an accredited university in the U.S. by the Fall semester
  • Maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA.
  • An undergraduate (junior or senior) or graduate standing (master’s, Ph.D., or law degree).
  • Majoring in an ISF-supported major.


  • Requirements.
  • Application form.
  • Resume.
  • Video introduction.
  • Essay questions.
  • College transcripts.
  • Work samples.
  • Two letters of recommendation by a professor, mentor, religious leader, and employer.

Key Dates For Scholarship

  • NOVEMBER TO MARCH – ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS: ISF starts accepting applications in November for five months. The deadline to submit a complete application is typically in late March.
  • APRIL TO MAY – APPLICATION REVIEWS: The Selection Committee will review the applications from April-May.
  • JUNE – PHONE INTERVIEWS: Finalists will move to the next round and complete phone interviews in June.
  • JULY – SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED: Final decision will be made in July, and scholarships will be awarded shortly after.

Click Here To Apply For Islamic Scholarship Fund

Learn more at this ISF website,

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